The joint venture - a unique way of creating brilliantly original podcasts
Business partners from the start - motivated to share in your success
By your side through the whole journey - with you every step of the way
You bring your words, ideas, and audience.
We take care of the rest.
Make your voice heard on the global stage - helping you grow your impact
Grow your personal brand, create a revenue stream, learn… and have fun!
Podcast Partners

You present your podcast. We do everything else.

Podcast production

You don’t have to organise content, or worry about anything technical. Simply chat away with your guests while we take care of the nuts and bolts.

Growing the audience & impact

We’re experts in podcast branding, launch PR, social media and audience growth. Your new show will sound - and look - amongst the most professional in the podcast world.

Sharing the financial success

This is the truly exciting part. We procure an innovative combination of advertising, sponsorship, live events and affinity partnerships - so that your podcast will earn real revenue.

We get your podcast on all major platforms:

Apple Podcasts
Amazon Music

What we do

Podcast production

Research & development

We help you define and understand your target audience and hone your idea into a unique proposition; our team can advise on the podcast name, format, frequency and episode length.


We will write intro and outro scripts so that you are pitch perfect - ensuring each episode reflects your authentic tone, and your values. We also provide briefing notes, talking points, and key facts to assist with any discussion.

Presenter coaching and feedback

If you would like presentation training and/or voice coaching before you begin the journey, we can help every step of the way. We will also give you ongoing constructive yet candid feedback on your presenting style - so that you will grow in confidence and continuously improve.

Audio recording and branding

Your podcast will sound exactly like a high-quality radio programme. We handle the recording - beautifully crafting the mix, edit, and mastering of each episode - so your listeners get the highest quality audio experience on a consistent basis. And we take care of the audio branding, too - so that your podcast has a recognisable theme and soundscape.

Audio edit - and platform upload

Anything mis-spoken, as well as coughs, long pauses, and background noises are edited out. Additionally, we can take care of hosting your podcast and distributing it to major platforms where it can reach millions of potential listeners.

Branding and marketing

Visual branding & website

A successful podcast must not only sound good, but look good, too. We create a wholly unique visual ‘look and feel’ so your podcast stands out amidst a sea of other logos vying for attention.

Launch PR

Once the podcast is launched, it’s time to get it some massive attention! We take care of all the launch publicity, and ensure that the show is heavily featured in lists of ‘new and noteworthy’ shows on major platforms.


Today’s media landscape offers loads of specialised ways to effectively promote your podcast - and we are masters of making podcasts stand out and grab listeners’ attention.

Social Media

We take care of all social media promotion. We also create a dedicated website with unique URL addresses for each episode - ensuring your guests can easily promote their appearances on your show - and bring their own audiences, too! We can even draft social media content for you to share, designed for you to post with just a single click.

Branding and marketing



Adverts remain the most tried-and-true way to deliver revenue. Whether it’s pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll, if you have no objection to an advertiser, and your podcast is a good ‘fit’ for them and your listeners… then it’s time to say on air, “We’ll be right back after this!”


Sponsors present a preferred path to building long-term revenue. A sponsor could put their name to your whole website, a special group of episodes, or even an entire season. They could place banner advertising on specific web pages or mentions in the description. Or, you could promote a product with a special discount code, which also pays you a commission.

Affinity partnerships & live events

The more niche and targeted your audience is, the more attractive your podcast will become for someone to ‘partner’ with in the long term. Many partners want ‘quality’ and not ‘quantity’ of listeners. If you are selling loaves of bread, for example, you want millions of listeners - as only 2% of the audience might buy your loaf. But, if you are selling specialist health products, then you want to be working with a specialist health podcast with many thousands of listeners - as every single listener is a potential customer. And partners can pay you to put on live events too, covering the production costs and letting you keep all the revenue.

Sale of the intellectual property

Believe us, it happens! Your podcast could be turned into a TV show, or be bought by a commercial radio station, or be paid a royalty fee if it’s broadcast on their network. Some podcasts have even become mobile phone apps - with customers paying hard cash to download them.

Designed for busy people

Average time invested per episode: One hour

The only thing you need to do is… present the podcast!

Enjoy the best parts of the creation process - the people, the stories, the laughter, the emotion. We’ll deal with the rest.

You have the choice of being as involved as you want. Want to be consulted on each decision? Sure thing. Want to leave it entirely with us? Not a problem.

The Finances

Podcast platforms
Podcast platforms

This is the truly innovative part of our process. We jointly own the podcast with you, and share the revenue and ownership 50-50. All of our time and effort is provided on the basis that we will equally share the proceeds - so we won’t be charging you a penny, at any time, for anything. For obvious reasons, this means we’re strongly motivated to make your podcast a success.

Your obligation is to present the podcast and help share awareness of each episode on your social media. We take care of everything else.

It’s your name on the podcast though, so you will be editor-in-chief - and always have ultimate power of veto over all editorial or commercial decisions. You won’t ever have to do anything you are not comfortable with.

We have to invest a great deal of time and resources at the start of the project to get it off the ground, and we are vulnerable to make a significant loss if you decide to walk away from the project before it has had a chance to fulfil its potential. We ask therefore that those we partner with place a wholly refundable security bond with us at the outset.

Depending on the size of your existing profile, this is likely to be a fixed fee of $25,000. This is entirely repaid from 100% of the first tranche of any funds generated from the project.

Only when the security bond has been totally refunded does the remaining revenue start to be divided equally. Any future revenue would then be split 50-50 in perpetuity, including any amount for an agreed sale of the podcast itself.

Get in touch

Let’s begin by talking.

Please contact us and we’ll arrange a call - in strict confidence and without obligation

    New York office:
    (646) 854-6955
    501 Madison Avenue, Suite 704, New York, NY 10022, United States

    Los Angeles office:
    (424) 248-9955
    6121 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90028, United States